My my! It's been one month since I have blogged!! Recently it has been quite hectic for my family members eversince Kate is born. Every night, I would be going to my mother in law's place and I will accompany Josh until he is asleep. At times, it may stretch from 12-1.30am. Imagine after that I have to walk or cycle back.. Ah. I may bathe and knock in at 2am. The journey don't end there. Kate would wake up in the middle of the night for nightfeed and it can be every two hours. I may awake at 4am and 6am.. So it's like a nap time for me at night. And then I would be waking up at around 8 or 9am depending whether I would have work or meetings. Later I would rush back and prepare lunch for my wife and after munching, I would leave home for appointment. At times I wouldn't have time to cook lunch or dinner because the time schedule don't allow me to. When I have finished my evening appointments, I would change up, and wash the dishes(if any). Then I can nap awhile a...