
Well for this month, I have made very few posts! This isn't good.

Guess what happened to me? From 12June2011, I contracted chicken pox and I tell you, it is a skin disease that I do not want to remember at all. It is mixed with fever that reached to 40 degrees.

Not only that, I have over 300 of the chicken pox from my head scalp down to my feet! The worse is when they appear on my body and face when I have difficulty in bathing. And when I soap myself, the feeling of the small bumps on my body makes me to have goosebumps!! This is seriously very terrible feeling and ordeal.

For almost two weeks, I was unable to work and cook too. And we were fearful that Josh will have it. Also for that period, I couldn't even carry and kiss Josh. Bad feeling Coz I'm afraid that the weight may burst the pox!

Thank god I have my wife who can take care of Josh and also my mother in law. She even took the trouble to place the calamine lotion on my body. It's really a noble act!

Now, I'm still recovering from the drying and my face.. Still have some of the marks. Ah!! I should have taken the chicken pox jab and I really wonder who have passed it to me actually. Maybe I contracted it in the major roadshows at EXPO. Other than that, no one that I know of has chicken pox.

I'm actually relieved that now, I can go and work and it really feels strange to take trains and buses and to see the crowd because for two weeks, I have been resting and didn't go out!

My friends, those that didn't have chicken pox at all, please please take the anti chicken pox jab because it can really minimize the chances of it happening and we shouldn't waste time in engaging this disease. Find that through this chicken pox, skin disease is really quite demoralizing. And people would give you the weirdest stares.

Take care of your body...

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