What a dusty blog right?

I feel that its quite demoralising for most of my blog fans (if any). Ha... But find that I should blog more already...

Usually, when I blog, its about myself going out with my friends, relatives or about..... BRITNEY!


Her super-duper-extremely-long waited album is finally here. And I am really very happy! Because I have her album on the first day of release!! Bwahaha.... I can say that most of the songs are dance and groovy songs... and that there aren't any slow ballets at all....

One disappointing thing is that the album book doesn't have any lyrics at all! Britney, why?? Apparently, to those who know Britney, all her albums doesn't have any lyrics type written at all.... argh.

Love her....

Her CDs are all out in major music stores and outlets....

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