First post in October

These few months have been a transition mode for me and my family.

I have changed my work company for the first time after nine years.
I have gotten a new helper after seven years.

I just want to blog, however I feel that the environment around me doesn't seem ideal for me to type so much about my life stories.

I have been thinking. Should I journal down somewhere? Should I tell someone? I'm not sure where to document them down. I thought of some diary apps on the phone. However, I didn't have much time to jot down as my traveling time is either to generate quotations for my clients or to read god's word.

God has led me to my new work place. Initially I was apprehensive for the move because of stability as well as my pool of clients that I have acquired over the nine years. I chose not to follow the herd because God didn't show me verses for it.

The three verses that God had showed me were very timely, giving me necessary peace for me such that I won't be anxious for nothing, and be able to cater my energy in my family and work. Some how, my client brought me to this new company, and God affirmed through his verses and the timely tie ups. I'm just so glad that this transition makes me feel that I can do so much more for my clients. I even get to bump into my colleague then and gotten another verse to cement my decision. It's really amazing.

To think that managing three children and household is tough, we have decided to get a helper in July because we feel we are in a new phase of our lives. That is to spend more time teaching and reading to our children. The helper is there to assist us in cleanliness, cooking as well as laundry. She has been a great help so far. Also God helped us in our decision. We have been praying about it and somehow God let us meet someone we knew, who had four children. She had a helper and God affirms us on the decision that these two years shall be the years with a helper. We were apprehensive initially because we are afraid the children will not do housework etc. However every morning, we would still pack the bed, and get the children to tidy up their toys after playing etc.

I'm really excited about my life right now. And able to work as well as allocating fixed timing, such as 6pm daily to be back home for dinner with the children, and go for appointments after that. As well as fixed timing to read books for children in two weekday nights. I feel that allocating time for children is very important and I want to be important in their lives.

Many people have asked me why I left my previous company. I realized that I don't need the prestige and honor which I have received. Recognition seems important. However deep down, I just want to humbly walk and do my job as an insurance adviser. There is no end in chasing. Knowledge and product competitiveness as well as service to clients are deemed the best I can try to provide to them. I am truly humbled by my friends and clients who trust me, for who I am and follow me through as their life agent. I am very blessed to be in this career and thank God for it.

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