Wedding dinners

Well from our bottom of our hearts, I feel that wedding dinners are really a waste of people's time and money. It's like every time I attend a wedding, it's just like following the motion, eg walk in, eating, video, champagne pop, photo taking. Are all these really that important and significant?

And the food.. It's full of MSG and it starts so late. Just find that in our modern society, is it really crucial to carry out a wedding dinner? And when they start late, people would actually leave earlier before the wedding would end, and the amount of untouched food! Where would they go?

Why can't they make it a simple affair? And come to think of it, is there a need to do those silly stunts just to get the bride? I mean it has been settled that they are going to get wedded already. I see them having to eat weird stuff, wearing weird clothes, dancing, and all these the bride didn't even get to see. What's the point in this? Can someone enlighten me...

Imagine the guy refuses to do the stunts and walk off? Then you mean they are still going to carry out the wedding? I feel everything is for show, for everyone to see and impress. Is there a need?

And the bulk of the cost is actually given to the hotel food, which are over priced. Why can't they channel that amount to charity?

Many a times, the gifts provided on the table are not gifts. They are merely objects that are are brought home and unused. What a wastage! And it occurred to me that I have the same wedding gift twice, twice as useless..

And a wedding affair should be personalized. As in the attendees would know how they are met and their history. That should be the way. Rather than to have it shown modern pictures, where we would only ask where is it taken. Honestly, many are just following the motion. It's so sad actually. And couples would worry could they break even or not as they are working for the hotels!!

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