Valentine's Day - Spread the Love

This year, Valentine's Day is a special day for both Eve and I. We are both so thankful for the day that we renewed our wedding vows. It's just so touching.

In the service, my church asked all the wedded couples to come forward. And Eve and I looked at each other and said the vows which we did 5 years ago. It made me feel that every couple should say their wedding vows once every year, face to face and look in the eye when we say to each other. It rekindles and reassures the commitment we have for each other and we both feel blessed to have each other and God too.

He also shared a meaningful message. 

Love is a choice

Falling in love is easy. Staying in love is a challenge.

This is so true! And it takes effort from both parties to make the love work! It's the action that makes the LOVE existent. 

"We should not rely on natural love feelings all the time, because it will disappear as times goes. Hence we need to work on the relationship. If you truly love someone, work on it. Should one only rely on feelings for the person, he is a shallow lover."

That's the right way to do. In fact, we should show and act our love to our loved ones everyday, not just on Valentine's Day. And it requires effort definitely. 

1 John 3:18
Dear children, let us not love by words or tongue...

Love with actions is the highest form of love. Loving actions will always create loving feelings!

This is the power statement
True love is never passive...

Spread the love, my friends!

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