Cooking Together

Cooking together in the kitchen with a grandparent is a gift that we should treasure while we can. Today Eve's grandmother (Ah-Ma) came and stayed over with us for a few days. And at the age of 89, she is still active and is a good helping pair of hands. For example, she will help us to prepare the food, as well as demonstrate her good culinary skills. I was amazed by how she carefully washes the vegetables and then arranges them neatly on the plate. She really takes pride in her task no matter how small it is!

Doesn't she poses like a fantastic cook? I got to learn some ways of how she effectively wash the greens and mushrooms! A good chef learns from a greater chef!

She really knows how to pose! And most people can't tell that she is 89! Amazing! 

The first dish she cooked: stir-fry asparagus with shiitake mushroom, fresh brown mushroom and canned button mushroom. 

Second dish: Stir-fry Chinese spinach 

Even the chilli padi prepared by Ah-ma tastes so good! 

Third dish: Water cress soup prepared by the Hoe Family
Indeed many hands make the work lighter in the kitchen! And the time taken to prepare the food is cut by half! Woohoo...

Josh being a helper by serving rice for everyone! And after that, he will earn a 'helping hand' on his reward chart for himself! 

We also teaches our children to clear their dishes. For Kate, she will just place on it the kitchen ledge and for Josh, he will place it into the kitchen sink. 

Gingerbread man

And we decided to do something special tonight since Ah-ma was here. It's the favorite activity for the kids. Well, it's our third time making the gingerbread man and they are still super excited when they know we are going the make the gingerbread man. The best part is that it's the first time Ah-ma is making it with the kids. And she's so amazed that the premix flour smells so good!!

During the preparation, Josh helps by pouring the ingredients and stirring it. As for Kate, she enjoys kneading the dough with her hands. I'm so happy that they love the process of baking!

Look at the happy faces! Here Ah-ma is helping to decorate the gingerbread man using the fork. I'm so amazed Josh and Kate immediately followed her and did the same too!

Josh and Kate's classic hug for the camera! 
Look at the neat background, before that it was a mess! The toys were neatly kept by my children, because they wanted to make the gingerbread man, that they dashed to keep the toys! :) I really hope that when my children grow up , they will enjoy cooking and the love for each other will still be fervent.

Love the cookies that we made! I feel that baking should be done with more people, as it is an enjoyable process!

The baking took 10 minutes and after that all of us waited patiently for it to cool before eating. While waiting the kids had a cup of warm goat's milk each.

Tadaa..Presenting the gingerbread man! Chef Josh chose the purple and pink chocolate toppings as the decor for his gingerbread man. 

Happy Kate with her snack! Ain't they cute with their lovely gingerbread man! 

I'm just so glad that both Eve and I are able to prepare meals daily for my children, and we are able to have so much fun in the process. It's through these process that they will slowly realize that it takes time and patience in cooking, preparing as well as the cleaning up too and with everyone to help out, it's so much easier!

Baking helps in the creativity of the children. The choice of colours of toppings, the position of the buttons of the gingerbread man, all constitutes what their mind wants their gingerbread man to be! So glad we have an oven at home for baking.
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