Be Selective in Fairy Tale Books

As parents, reading books to your children is important. Choosing what type of books to read for them is even more important.

Fairy tale stories. We are encouraged from young that Ladybird stories are suitable for the children to read. We have bought a set of Ladybird stories for them to read. Some are educational, however some seemed educational but they aren't.

Definitely those educational ones are like
1. Three Little Pigs
This story teaches the children about sibling love, and they should not let strangers into the house. The pigs helped each other in bad times too!

There's a few variations to this story. Some books depict the first two pigs being eaten, others ran to the second house.

2. The Red Little Hen
This depicts story of a hen preparing bread from growing wheat, harvesting the wheat, making into flour and moulding into a bread. The fellow lazy friends didn't help at all, and just said 'Yes' when the hen asked for help to eat the bread. Of course the hen didn't agree to it!

It reminds the children to help each other and especially when we cook together, like making pancakes, preparing dinner etc.

3. Little Red Riding Hood
This story, everyone knows about it. One version has the grandmother being eaten up, another is that the wolf hid her below the bed. It shows about asking people politely, the proper way. And if one feels something is not right, ask for help.

Bad Fairytale Stories

Give you this snippet of a story.
A Prince kissed and woke Sleeping Beauty. The first sentence Prince said, "Will you marry me?"
Princess said,"Yes!"

Seems to be a great ending. However what are the morals behind it? To fall in love straight away with a person you never met before? To kiss someone straightaway? It really misleads us (even adults) and this behavior is absolutely wrong! We have hidden these books as they are not worthy to be read.

These are the list of story books that we abstain them away.
1. Rapunzel
The witch took such good care of Rapunzel, to have long silky hair and beautiful. Yet because of a visit by the Prince, she decided to leave with him. It's quite bad right?

They also quickly got married and had a baby as the ending.

2. Sleeping Beauty
She woke up after the 100-year sleep and fell in love with the Prince and got married too. Find the speed of getting hitched just too quick.

Probably they can end of the story that everyone thanked the Prince and they had a great celebration!

3. Cinderella
It's this book that introduces the word 'step mothers' and 'step sisters' to the children. The first impression that builds in the children is that these 'step siblings' or 'step parents' are bad natured. In fact, in the real world, not all are like this. Didn't hope that it will stereotype all step parents or children as bad, spoilt natured.

We explained to them that step mother is a mother who takes care of Cinderella, probably her parents left her when she was young.

Another book that depicts a negative connotation to step mothers is 'Hansel and Gretel'.

4. Jack and the Beanstalk
This story talks about stealing and it's actually not right to take belongings which are rightfully not yours. However Jack kept going up to take the riches from the giant.

Moreover, the wife of the giant kept siding Jack, telling him to hide. And in the end, Jack got the riches and the giant fell down from the stalk. Zero morals. That's not the right way, Jack.

Anyone has more to add? Email me! :)

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