East Coast Park Visit

Wow! Today we tried something different. We cooked our lunch and decided to head down to East Coast Park for a picnic, since the weather was very fine this afternoon. 

Picture of the girls at the picnic site

Family picture
 It was quite sunny and we managed to find a shady area, which some other 3 clusters of picnic groups at the tree. We were amazed that ALL the BBQ sites were all taken and people were bbq-ing there. I didn't expect that lunch BBQ would be that popular.

We brought macaroni, air fried meat balls, corn soup, stir fried vegetables for our picnic.

We also managed to bring down 2 of the children chair down for picnic. It was a cozy feeling.

Feeding Kate. Can you see that my eye had some purple eye shadow? Last night Gwen hit me direct onto my right eye. And it was swollen immediately. This morning, it was purple. :(

Gwen didn't dare to step on the sand. We need to slowly expose her to step more onto the sand surfaces.

Josh totally enjoyed the sun, sand and the sea experience!

The scenery there was peaceful, with lots of tanker ships as the back ground.
 We headed to a nearby snack area at the Parkland Green at East Coast Park. The fries there cost a whooping $9.13! We finished all up.

Hungry pic of us!

Eve, Josh and Gwen waiting for the fries to cool.

Kate and I
We felt that this East Coast Park trip was worthwhile indeed! And we should do it more often. Probably to other parks like West Coast Park. We brought our own food there as we feel it's much healthier and we save so much more. 

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