Eve and I at the Airport before departure from Singapore!

Mervyn Spears holding his very own SQ tix!

Ha.. My airplane...

Me and Eve on the plane seat! Gave up my window seat to her...

Ha... this is the baggage claim...

If you were to zoom in, Prudential actually gave me a 'Mervyn Spears' tag!

Yes, my next destination: Paris

From (L-R): Me, Swing, Ace, Lifen (my manager), Peter (my Director), Eve and Tingkang. :)

Ha.. I dunno why we put up this post... but here you go... ha!

Well well, this is our Gala Night, the Cowboy theme! Kinda interesting eh... Ha.

Yumin, Winson, Me, Eve and Ace... Aren't we cool?? Ha...

What does this remind you of? Ha...

Eve and me!

Ha... This is taken at the dining table... :) The scarf cost only $1!

Woohoo... 5 cowboys!

Ha... We are the happy and the cool ones...

Ace, Eve, Lifen and me...

The 3 of us got the agent code on the same day!! :)

At the Bangkok Airport, guess what? We bought this icecream. And honestly speaking, I have never taken a pic with my tongue super outstretched!

Do you know who is the guy at the centre? He is Mervyn too! He is actually a host at the Kids Central. Ha... I introduced myself by saying that we have the same name... Ha.

Bangkok Collar tee! Kinda small though...

Happy always!!!

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