Well well

These days, find that I have greater responsibility for my household and also for my son too. Thinking what should I provide for provision for my house, now that I have a maid and that for my parents-in-law, how they come to my house every day to have meals because my mother in law would be helping out to take care of Josh.

Everything really is amazing.

To think that I started my financial adviser path in 2007... and things have indeed progressed alot of things for me... Had this time line actually...

Started off as a financial adviser

March - Got married with Eve
August - Started to hunt for a house in Bishan
October - Secured a house

April - Got the keys to the house
August - Had a son
September - Have a maid for the household

Life is always progressing and we should do that... Draw what you want to achieve for yourself and that will actually motivates you to work. I strongly believe that if I can do it, people can honestly do so much better than me...

The question lies whether do you really want to do it?

This year, I have to work harder for my family and clients.. woo hoo!

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