
I have this strong urge to pay finish my apartment by end of next year!! Yes.. That's my goal and no one can stop me.. People want to finish it in 30 years. I want to end the loan ASAP because I simply don't want any financial institution to earn my money! I have calculated that for the past few years, I have spent quite an amount purely on interest. That's not a wise thing to do. Woohoo..

I have just been promoted to Master FC in my company and yes.. It's official already.. Yeah! So happy about it and it's certainly a milestone for me.

Now, I really need to work harder so as to pay my loan off!! Can't wait for it to end and also, after that, I can see what I can do to make money work harder for me..

I really felt more balanced after spending quality time with my family members at the beach. It's really very relaxing and to have the sand and the sea to be with me..

We will bring our kids to more outdoor places because it will increase their love for nature..

I'm also very happy that my company is giving me a macBook Air!!!! Woohoo... That will mean that I will carry a lighter laptop for work already.

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