3 babies at 75 days old

It's so amazing how our children evolves through these years and they actually look like themselves actually! Look at them when they are only 75 days old! And they look DIFFERENT! Don't be shocked! This special post on them 75 days old, makes me feel as if I have triplets in one go, isn't it? JOSH HOE This is Josh. Very few hair and he looks dark, compared to Gwen. He really look non-Chinese yes? Ha. I honestly can't really remember how was his sleeping pattern then. All I can remember is that he was the one whom I bathed a baby for the first time! Oh my! This picture was taken before I had LASIK! Ha. Josh really looks different from us. But now, he's handsome boy... Ha. KATE HOE This little Michelin star has amazing arms at 75 days. This is because she is drinking Josh's two year old breast milk ever since she was born. Guess the amount of nutrition in the breast milk nourished her so well! Amazing! And time really ...