On 14th August 2009

My wife, Eve started to experience contractions straight after contractions.

We went back from our in-laws place and go back to our house. I took a shower and Eve carried on to have contractions, with 5 minutes interval.

Initially we thought it may be fake contractions, but this time is different. She feels that she has to go to hospital.

We packed our bags and we left for SGH

We left house

We reached SGH Blk5 Labour ward.

We did registration and was warded to the labour ward.

15th August 2009

I went in to accompany her after the checks by the nurse.
Contractions are also very prevalent, with intervals of 4-5minutes. And it gets stronger and stronger.

Nurse checked and she is 4cm dilated. So happy.

Nurse checked that she is 7cm dilated. She also added that by the rate of contraction, our baby will be out in 2 hours time... I was so excited.

We checked and she is around 9cm dilated already. This is so amazing because I have managed to see partial of the head... Ha... It is about the size of 10c coin and the hair is visible...

She is fully dilated and they began to contact the doctor.

She is pushing and the cervix has expanded as such I can see about 50c coin of the baby's head.

Doctor reached and checked everything and my wife is working very hard to get the baby out.

Doctor and nurses and I kept on encouraging her to breathe and push harder and at every contraction to push at 4 times...

Little Mervyn is born.

He is cleaned and did breast feeding straight away, and he can do it without people teaching him.
This is amazing!

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