Fathering and work

Well, for those who are not fathers. Maybe you may not know. Actually it's really a name that involves patience and energy. And for the things that I do, I really feel that I have learnt a lot along the process.

-making milk powder at 12am
-washing the poo
-bathing my children
-crawling with my children on the floor
-changing their clothes while they are moving
-running away from them during catching
-reading 'three little pigs' twenty times before they sleep
-wash the dishes
-think of what to cook for their meals
-thinking of ways to make them bathe
-to think of substitutes when they are hungry
-carry your children when they want to be carried
-asking them to do the right thing but the reply is 'don't want'
-want soy milk after they said they want milk
-convincing them to change clothes

Some things are not easy. But you have to make things happen. Children are very smart. They know some things are wrong but they just want to do it so as to get your attention. So now if Josh were to do something wrong, eg to bite the nails, I would say once. If he keep doing again, I would walk away. And it works. You have to use reverse psychology on toddlers.

Well, many a times it's actually just up to me to work hard. No one can be your pillar except yourself. This is my career and it's just up to myself to do it.

I met some of my friends and I really hope that they can find better paying jobs. Some of my university friends are earning less than $3k monthly. And not that it's little, I just feel that they deserve more due to their hardwork.

We should be paid according to our hardwork and my career can do just that. Those hard working ones, are paid more from the cases they close. And this is actually more balanced.

I have to work harder for myself and for my family. And yes, I can do it!

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