Family and Affordable Art Fair 2012


These days I haven't been jogging because of my recent sprain on my back. My TCM Practitioner recommended me for the next two weeks, not to do jogging but can swim. Probably I will do just that. I need to have more oxygen in my head and body!

The nights have been long for both of us recently. Josh and Kate slept around 12.30am and I tell you, we are so shag from it. Even though Josh is tired, he just wants to play with active Kate, they would move around in the room, catching each other and rolling on the beds. We let them self run with the classical music and soon, they would rest together.

Coincidentally, I did not manage to catch my afternoon naps for these two days. My schedule happened as such that I have morning appointments, and afternoon appointments that lasted to evenings. And when I return back home, I have to do my fatherly role. It's like a dual job! At times, it is quite physically strenuous. However,  it's happy to spend time with my children and I can see that they miss me when I return back home. And Eve would make hot soup for me too!

What would be life if I have 3 children?

Recently, quite a few people asks me this question: "So when is your third one coming?" I would usually just answer next year. Ha. It's just the planning phase. Come to think of it, what would life be if I have 3 children in Singapore? This question is really quite hard to answer. I would say that I just have additional clothes to wash, and for the food, I will just have to cook slightly more. For going out, I would think that we may occupy a full cab already.

Now Josh can almost self-run, but needs more supervision as at times, there would be minor conflicts between Kate and Josh.

As for Kate, she is now in the learn-and-feel-and-taste stage. Hence, it is easy for her to put anything and everything into her mouth. We need to see what she is putting in her mouth. At times, she would pick up and give us to see. How sweet of her right? We are teaching her some simple language and amazingly she can speak! Such as Thank You, Hello, Bye Bye, 1-10 and names too!

The good thing when I have 3 children is that there will be more avenue for me to be more time efficient and I must settle the meals for them, preferably more home cooked meals for them. This will be a challenge that I will readily accept.

Affordable Art Fair
Today we went to Affordable Art Fair to see my father-in-law's art pieces (Yeo Siak Goon). And I'm so happy that there are quite a number of people who patronised his art pieces. On top of that, this year, their scale is much bigger and by visiting the Art Fair, it really widens your perspective of what art can bring your imagination to. The medium the artists use and the mix of colours, really makes you feel that there is a freedom of expression and thoughts for these artists.

I would want to visit again tomorrow if time permits because we only ventured the third floor. The second floor, we did not manage to go because both Josh and Kate are asleep already. If you are free, do pop by tomorrow as they will end on Sunday 6pm.

A glass handbag with butterflies. I wonder if they really used real butterflies and resin.

This is amazing. It only consisted of reflecting metal and glass and light. The certain angles of the metals cause it to have different diffraction (like we learnt in secondary school physics). How nice if school can show us such stuff! Still can remember the prism.

This is a scene from the MBS. And it is special because they used poster paint to have this effect. I wonder how they can do such beautiful effect on it. It seemed to have lots of layers of poster paints.

Paradigm shift: blue apple.

Bicycle picture. Looks real yes?

This is amazing circular balls. You can feel and touch them. And the balls will move with resonance!

Glass art with the scene of the Big Ben...

Happy Josh touching the small cotton balls. It cost $9k ok? Ha.

My children and Eve and her aunt, Leanna (in pink).

Engaging Kate with the colouring with her grandmother and grandaunt.

I'm so happy that there is an art section for the children. And they are able to colour styrofoam circles to form a mickey mouse, which will be displayed! Josh coloured a little of it and then, we brought it home. Really glad that we brought them to see this art exhibition. Even though the time spent is minimal, they have exposed themselves to different artworks, hopefully has interested them! Yeah!

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