
Well, recently, we seemed as if we are back to square one. And it's really involves lots of effort to plan and execute daily activities for our children.

Routines are very important for children, as such we have to enforce them. For example, the time to bathe, eat, play and read books. All these involve standard timings, otherwise their bodies will not be in tuned to it and result in irregular meals, sleeping late etc. Initial phase is difficult, but I feel we can do it!

We have came out with a list of standard routines for the day. Of course,at times it is hard to abide to,but still, we have to do it.

08.30 am - 09.00 am : Brush Teeth, Breakfast
09.00 am - 11.00 am : Play Time, Go Botanic Gardens etc.
11.30 am - 12.30 pm : Bathe, Lunch Time
12.30 pm - 02.00 pm : Kate's Nap Time, Josh's Own Play Time
03.00 pm - 03.30 pm : Healthy Snack Time
03.30 pm - 05.00 pm : Outdoors
05.30 pm - 07.00 pm : Bathe, Dinner Time
07.00 pm - 08.00 pm : Library
08.00 pm - 09.00 pm : Brush Teeth, Get To Bed

Three of us sitting at an overhead bridge, overlooking an MRT depot.

We really need to get them to sleep early. Otherwise, putting them to bed daily at 12am, it just doesn't seem right for their young bodies. Today is a good start as we managed to put them to sleep by 10pm. We must do it!

Routine for Meal times is also very important.
If it is disrupted, there is a large tendency that the child will want to have more snacks than standard meals. Snacks = No way! Eating out is an option at times, but honestly where can we find good and healthy food for children these days? The best and safest place is still home cooked food.

A sample of the dishes I cook. Squid with Naibai and Black fungus.

Eve and I recently went to Josh's fellow classmate's house and we are just so blown away. The food that the parents cook is so creative and I feel we should also add more creative juices into the daily food. We have been preparing porridge, macaroni for my children. However, for them, it extended to healthy pizzas, prata, stew with rice, salad with crispy bread... Wow! It's just so amazing. Hence, we are adding much more dishes into our family menu! 

We also read that we should rotate our greens daily. If one were to keep eating the same vegetables, they may get intoxicated. You should google about it. Hence, we also have to take note of the greens we get daily from the market, and to rotate the consumption for it.

 Josh and Kate drinking their favorite coconut in a warm sunny day.

Oh well, it's end of November soon! Really amazing year and we are all learning and adapting to the daily changes! 

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