
I'm just so thankful that I am given a place of dwelling of my own, together with Eve. Honestly, talking about 4 years ago, we didn't know that we will be having a house and also to have three children too. We are just so thankful for God to bless us this house and we are so blessed by it.

I'm also thankful for the for my career, that I am able to juggle and manage time between my family and clients too. And to think that when I meet my clients, they will know what I have recently done because of this blog. It's like a place that they will know more about me and also what I do. Also, spending time with my children is really so important and I cherish every moment when I play with them.

Cooking is really a fun event for both of us as we feel it's very important to have good healthy food in our bodies. Steaks, ribs, deep fried stuff are not quite in our menu for almost a year now and we are so happy with it. Honestly, there are so much more healthier and delicious food around! So thankful that at times, I'm given the wisdom to cook meals with the ingredients I have in the refrigerator! :)

And when you see the joy of your children, munching the food, it just confirms day after day that what you are doing is right! And it's just so happy that at the end of the day, everyone has healthy food in their stomach!

Gwen's now slowly introduced to simple solids like steamed pumpkin, steamed pear and beet root. And we are just so thankful that she loves it! And she adapts well in the mini-transition from fully breastfed to having two small meals of solid daily! 


I'm also thankful for Kate that she loves to go to school everyday and enthusiastically wants to wear her school uniform, carry her own bag and water bottle! And she's just a sweet lady who loves Josh and Gwen so much. She would also say suddenly 'I love Mummy' when Eve is not at home. She recently played using her toy phone and she said that she is talking to Jesus! It's just so amazing and I'm so blessed to have Kate.

Josh is a thinker and he's really great with his train toys as well as Legos. And now his interest is into ants, and loves to see the trails of red ants at our park to school. It's up to us to educate them about these interesting insects! And also, he takes good care of Gwen, and plays with Kate. Of course at times there will be conflict, but it's normal and we have to manage it well, as parents. It's tough, and we are learning, our children are learning too.


This big boy of mine certainly has a flair with numbers, buildings and trains! And these interests of his are greatly manifested in his drawings! He also displays great memory in numbers too. For example, he remembers the bus number that I took with him ONCE to a TCM at Toa Payoh, or the block his great grandmother stays, my hand phone number, the song number to a particular song in a CD... All these are all locked in his mini computered brain! So amazing. 

I want to thank God for all of His provision and best has yet to come! :)

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