Hi Everyone!

I am seriously enjoying everyday of my life. Trying to make it full and try and enjoy and learn the most out of it!

A few of my friends are having some problems which I can read from the blog. I feel that it's kinda strange at times. Function of a blog: is to express your own feelings. And yes... we are humans and definitely we have some bad times and good times. We are seriously conditioned to accept good things and once we feel bad, we will most likely to wonder how come it happen and usually forget that we had once good things happening to us. Humans are like this, we want the best out of everything. Am I right? We should all try and help one another. Encourage individuals who are feeling bad/sad. And try and support them!! :)

I am so fortunate to be in my own business right now... and I can feel myself improving as the months go by!! WOOHOO!! YEAH! I really can't wait to see the fruits of it because I know that there will be one day! :)

Well, today, I went to school to take photo for JAMX and it was taken at the toilet! HA!! So gaoxiao. Robson, Shuyang and Meitoon helped out in the phototaking and I really had a lot of fun there! AH!! Well, for those in school, u'll most likely to see me soon!! HA!! :)

Then, I accompanied Yiwen at NUH to find those people working there for surveys. Yiwen is really very good in approaching them and really very pei4 fu1 her!! HA!! And tml, i'm going to carry on with the survey job! :)

Really very happy to see myself grow and yes!! I CAN DO IT!

By the way, before i end, I juz feel that all of us must try and find the meaning to why we are living each day. Education doesn't neccessarily determine what our future is... This is what I feel. IT is opportunity. This 'O' word hardly come by and we must try and grab it if we can. I have found mine and I am working towards it! Do u?

Have a dream... Work towards it... Never be taken down by others~~! U are always your best friend!

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