NDP Practice

Wow. I am really amazed that I have actually missed out so much about the NDP practice eversince my Ethelonter Camp. So much changes and the prop! Finally got it already.

Next Saturday is NDP Family performance and yeah... my first public performance for Singaporeans. Really looking forward to it man. And on the other hand, I have to have more training and memorising for the changing of colours for my prop!

Yesterday, my dinner was Army-related. Its by SFI! Singapore Food Industry. The infamous food caterer for the all army people. And the taste of the drumstick really reminds me the days when I was at Tekong. And the overcooked cauliflower. Ha... But they are very hygienic with all the plastic containers. That's the only good thing bah.


Well, for the past 2 days, I have encountered 3 vomit cases. One is Fred. ANother is Yiwen (no wonder he skip NDP Training) and another one is a trainer for NDP. Along the way to stadium, saw him vomitting. OMG.

Anyway, I was wondering how come so many people are vomitting nowadays. Is it because of the humid weather? Or is it their fault for not drinking enough water??

One point to take note everyone is that when you are having your meals, try not to dual task. That is, concentrate on your eating. If you are doing some other stuff while eating, you may have indigestion and u may be feeling quite sick after the meal.

I think Fred got it because he was busy concentrating on how to link his Trans-America game, while munching the spaghetti. That is why that day he vomitted at night? RIGHT??? Ha

Unknown Topic

I have been wondering. Very few people actually do undertstand the effort for those who actually make their way down to support people for an event. And for my case, I would have say that currently, NONE manage to do that well, even me at times.

I was at an event during the weekend and I was feeling quite unhappy about it. Somemore, I was late according to some of them. But in the first place, I didn't even plan to go down in the first place. And when I reached there, received lots of comments, which is of coz bad.

I was dejected through the continuous punches of those comments, and of coz, I didn't show it. In my mind, I was thinking that yes, probably they are tired and they want to say these. WTH.

Then, someone even physically irritated me. That's it. I was very pissed already. TOTALLY.

And i am very pissed with this incident. Irritated. I am not saying that I deserve any 'thanks for coming' comments. But I just feel that people regard me not contributing much. Some even say that as the project director, yes, I should contribute. But hey, things don't work that way. WTF. FYI, being the project director is just a title, which I don't really place much emphasis or given much thought for it. It is nothing great to be the title. Maybe at times, you people should just keep comments to yourselves and maybe just keep quiet. And think before you speak.

My Sat evening was kinda spoilt. Imagine from a high level of happiness to a level which is below rock bottom.

ANother friend

I have another friend which is really kinda dumbass. I don't show it but I know that i have reached the limit.

Yes, at times, I may not have logical thinking or what. But hey, I am still learning ok. Who else is not learning along the way?

Maybe for my character that I portray to this bugger, it wants to make fun of me. I always receiving comments by this ass that 'hey, coz its you.' and 'hey, you will surely lose the game.' Always receiving bad comments from this bugger, which I don't wanna mention.

I know at times it may be jokes. But hey, do you have any time to think that I have my own feelings??? Maybe just one second thinking that I am human. There is a damn limit for everyone.

Really, if you go on like this, I would say that its a pleasant time knowing you.

Just Buzz off!

Group 7 Outing

Well, on Saturday, luckily I have a group 7 outing with my dear Fred, Zq, Meitoon and Bryan. I have really enjoyed my time even though it was kinda short duration. Played TransAmerica. And another game which is of bidding and aunctioning. Kinda fun to me. Oh well, I really hope that there will be another outing soon.

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