Hi Everyone

Wow. The week passed by so fast, and I love it! Today is the first day of November, the smell of FRESH month is totally great for me.


I was at a Toilet due to a stomachache. Guess what? The toilet was a quiet one and then, soon after I sat on the toilet bowl, someone came in. I had gas in me, but I do not want to let it out so as to prevent the person from listening. So I paused. Then, the toilet flushed automatically!!! $&@($!

I was like what the hell! The guy left and yeah, of coz I let out the gas! Terrific man! Then, the toilet flushed again!!! I guess that the censor has some problems and I felt like switching toilet. But I was lazy. One thing for sure then was that I can feel my butt real wet. What the fish. Luckily, I did not even start at all, imagine stuff apart from water is present on you-know-where.

The Smart Mervyn thought of an idea! I took a toilet paper and covered the censor with one hand and did my business. It was an odd position but let me tell you, I tried my best to do as fast as possible.

I had finished finally but my hand was on the censor, the other is free. HOW??!! I gotta wipe!

I removed the toilet paper slowly so as to check the censor. It is not blinking, with the green and the red light. Then, I removed it totally.

Nothing happened.

I quickly did the cleaning and guess what? Upon 90% complete, the damn thing flushed!!!! ()*&^%$^&* I swear I did not even move my head at all. So shitty man. I stood up from the toilet bowl immediately! What the hell right??

That is the worst automatic toiletbowl I have ever been to. It is strenuous and worrying. I did not enjoy the shitting journey, but I was very relieved that no one heard me emitting pungent ammonia gas.

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