This is my 3rd Committee members!!

HMM... feel like it's really fast that we have passed our positions over to the 4th MC! Had great memories!!

Find that this week is super packed for me... everyday return home at 11.30pm and having pimples on my face le! AH!!! Must take care...

Anyway, feel glad that this treacherous week is over le... Having Grant-A-Wish Internal Drive over... 1 practical oral over... Handing over of 3rd MC... JamX meeting... Even have no time to spend with my GF!! Gosh... real bad man!!

But the worse is over bah!! Have to concentrate on JAMX as well as GAW le!! WOOHOO!! So glad!! Then I can further focus on what I hope to do!! WOOHOO!!

Feeling great as time goes! See my friends who loved the mooncakes... and can't believe it that when I went to the warehouse yesterday, there are so many people queueing up for the mooncakes!! AH!! HA!! But real glad that i've passed them to my friends before hand. Otherwise, the stocks will be over!! Phew...

I find that news is really very bad for people. Recently there is a filipino maid being murdered and made a big hooha! Why can't they just concentrate in spreading positivity in people? Like encouraging people to feel happy, to exercise or to read up postive books...rather than telling news that listeners can't help much but to increase fear and negativity amongst the population... Find that it's crap!

We should go ahead and spread positivity amongst our friends!! WOOHOO! Go Mervyn....

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