Gosh! Time pass real fast!!
Next mth is the exams!!!

Can someone please stop time!??!

Anyway, I'm enjoying everyday of my life. Thinking about what I'm going to do in my future. Sometimes, what we do, is led by motivation. You set a goal, and it'll help you in the process of getting it. Always remind yourself of what you plan to achieve in your life. :)

Today, when I returned home... it's about past twelve. The tissue paper wrapper was blown and I actually looked back, seeing whether is there any 'force' that caused it to move. But there was no one... It's kinda strange because the wind direction seemed to be blowing towards me but the tissue wrapper moved the opposite direction. Maybe i think too much already.

When I walked towards the lift, I thought I noticed something black at a corner... but later, it wasn't there anymore. I'm not making things up. But maybe I'm tired to have these hallucination. GOSH!

SIS!! U ah... download the program and make me unable to enter... anyway, I have changed back to version 6.2.

Anyway, thanks for your free stationary!! :) YEAH!!!

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