Today it's certainly a fast day!Can't believe it.

I woke up, eating two cheeze sausage fried by my mum. It tasted not bad. :) Then, I went to type my geography project. Went to research for pictures and data for it. Ha.

Later, I went to meet Shimin with Yiwen and we actually chatted with her. We also introduced to her some of the gd products for her to use. Isn't that great?! We also talked about issues ranging from studies to work, fun and also health. Not bad la, coz it's been quite awhile eversince we have met up already. Ha.

Well, who invented the word 'LOVE"? Why must LOVE be this four letter word!? It's kinda strange and even though it is juz a four-letter word, it's a word full of complexity and needs experience and true feelings to actually know the true meaning of it. Pure dictionary meaning is simply not enough. I bet that none of us actually went to search on LOVE in the dictionary. Who will do it right? Because instinctively, most of us know the rough meaning of LOVE.

To be single or attached. It is not an issue to me currently. I just feel that it really needs both hands to clap. And time is a good essence for me to think about it. It also give me time to rest and find out what I really REALLY want in life. Yar. I'm not sure about you. But if there comes a time whereby you feel that both sides are 'GREEN LIGHT', better don't lose the chance yar?!

LOVE, once again, a short but complex word.

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