Hi Everyone.

I have learnt alot of things nowadays and its like I find it quite hard to put my ideas down here. I have alot thought of many ideas of creating websites which I am not really pro in. HA.

Anyway, I can forsee that alot of my friends have alot of stuff to do. Hope that its productive, my friends. :) Most importantly, is to eat healthily.

Please try and heed these:

-Do not eat cooked maggie mee anymore.
They contain alot of cholestrol and chemicals. And it's of coz not healthy for the heart.

-Exercise at least twice a week
Now, you have more time already. Do try and plan to exercise (do things that you prefer like swimming, blading, blah)

-Do not eat too much egg (especially egg yolk)
They are so high in cholestrol. And please, everyone of us should eat at MOST two eggs per week. Do take note alright?

-Avoid oily food and tidbits

-Eat less red meat (eg Beef, Pork...)
They are high in fats, protein, cholestrol and you may overwork your stomach and heart. Reduce the consumption kk.

We are born healthy. And we should live healthily.
So take good care of your bodies, my friends.

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