I am a Science student and this feeling came back to me again. When I did the experiment today, I wonder, why am I doing this? When attending lecture, I was quite confused with the explanation. I really find it quite hard to picture myself doing these after I graduate. It's quite sick to see the theoretical stuff. Can't believe it that I manage to pull myself for the previous semester. ARGH!

I have been wanting to tell people about how I feel, but feel that somethings are best kept for myself. I know those who are reading my blog may be disagreeing my point of view. I don't really care, but I'll listen.

I seriously feel that I may not be happy with the course that I'm taking. Initially, I don't mind taking up Material Science initially. However, now, I feel quite out-of-place. Am I really doing what I want?!

Everyday, I have been thinking about my own business idea and it's really exciting to be in it. Simply to put it, I feel that I learn more out of my own experience compared to juz pure learning of stuff, THEORETICAL STUFF that I may not even use it when I graduate. That feeling sux me.

Today, I was doing the CHINESE NEW YEAR decoration. And the attendance for my committee members are not there. Some didn't even reply to my email. Gosh. I feel that my committee is quite separated and most of the stuff that we do, it's really up to us, respective Directors to do it. Oh well, maybe things will get better yar? I really hope so.

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