Can't believe it!
Last night, straight after I changed my hamster cages, I began to have flu and started coughing. Then, mucus start to flow and the worse is yet to come. I coughed and started to heave louder and louder... it's like I have breathing difficulty and can even hear the sound of my lungs! Can't believe it.

At night, I didn't sleep well. Toss and turn until about 5am!! Can u believe it? And my friend, Clarence, smsed me at 5.14am. I thought who knows I'm still awake! Ha!! At about 6plus, I began to sleep throughout till 12noon.

I didn't go to Grant A Wish Delivery nor the JAMX Old Clothes Collection. Didn't feel too well. Guess that I need to take in more Vitamin C already.

I actually met up with my friend Leonard and he's very inspirational. He has gone through alot in his life and through his business, he has undergone lots of rejections. Despite that, he still carries on and on, very determined and focused person.

Once, he was supposed to meet two of his clients. And along the way, he met with an accident. He skidded about 5m and his pants and jacket were torn. His hands were covered with blood. However, due to Britt World Wide education, he was so positive and focused that he didn't care. He didn't blame the driver who knocked him down. He still carried on to meet his client.

He went to McDonalds and just washed his wounds with the soap! Can't believe it and he dapped it with tissue paper. After that, he told his client that he just met with an accident. His client was shocked to hear that!!! He should be resting instead. He carried on to show his proposal for his business but his client turned him down. Probably because of the blood kept flowing. Real admired his spirit!! MY IDOL!

A motivational story which I never forget.

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