Children: Honest and smart!

Simply speaking, we are born to talk truthfully and with honesty! That's what I learnt from my children.

When he smelt something smelly, Josh will ask me,"是谁大便?" I denied and he said again. Then I said it's me who farted. And he said,"是daddy大便." So funny right?

And when he did something wrong, Eve will ask him and he will confess. It's really pure honesty and we will give him a hug after that.

Between parents and children, we should be direct to them and honest too. They will feel it when we want to hide something from them. But of course, sometimes we have to tell a white lie, otherwise both Eve and I are unable to sneak out of the house!

Kate, even though she is only 14 months old, she is able to communicate well with her actions! When walking, I will direct her and when she wants me to carry, she automatically will come close and hug my leg. And I will carry her.

She will also want me to feed her water and food(if I'm eating). And if she feels the taste is weird and not to her liking, she will express with a funny taste and swallow back again. If I feed her the same thing, she will shake her head. So smart!

I really wonder when I'm their age, I act this way! I brought Josh down and he pointed to our house, and said his uniform is hanging there! Indeed, it's true. They let us appreciate the small things in life and honestly, it makes us happy and amazed! I feel so thankful to have my wife and children.

On Thursday, both our children woke up early and we headed to Botanic Gardens! And later, we went to school straight. It was a tight morning, but all of us enjoyed it! And it's really an experience to fully utilize a morning and he attended school at 11.45am.

Josh and his friends at school

Picture of Josh with his orange bag and orange lantern. We are amazed that most of the children actually brought battery-operated lanterns! Only Josh one is the traditional and the cheapest one...

This is the student's chair! They sit on it to have their routine checks before entering class.

Beautiful baby swans at Botanic Gardens. Imagine eating duck rice.We had an close encounter with these creatures and we saw their webbed feet! So cute! And I love to eat them somemore. 

The actual adult swan! And it came towards us, thinking we have food. I feel that visitors should not feed these swans because there came another group of students and the teachers are feeding them! No wonder the swans are people friendly!

Kate at Cold Storage nearby the Botanic Gardens. She saw a Gobstopper and she shook it vigorously! So humourous! And of course, we put back. And she carried on again! Ha.

How nice if everyday we have park walking in the morning to breathe fresh air!

Father and daughter

We love to go to the park and it will be a usual routine for us! The part that we are standing used to be the lake. However, I guessed that there aren't much rain these days, and cause a mini drought. Hence, the Swan Lake is shrunk in size. Really hope that the rain can come and fill up the lake to the brim once again.

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