After exam

Well, for me, it is indeed great feeling to actually have completed all my Exams in NUS. Finally. Yeah. I have tried my best, I would have to say. Ha... Now awaiting for my commencement! :)

Oh yes, after the exam, I actually headed down to roadshow at Jurong East! Ha... Really very excited to see my collegues again and also its my FIRST DAY of my FULL TIME CAREER! Yeah... And really, the feeling I have is very different. I have nothing to hold back anymore. For the past two months, when I was in roadshows, I somewhat kept thinking about my studies and work, splitting my mind into two. Thus, its quite tiring then to keep switching my mind from the study mode to the working mode and then back again... Ha.

I am really very happy to have made a case on that day itself. Yeah!! Ha... And its of coincidence that I met my client. Ha. Somewhat like a ready buyer because she was approached quite a few times by different people and for me, that day is like the appropriate time for her to take up! :)


I must keep striving...

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