Well, today, I went to school and it's simply a good day to start! The weather's fine, making my mood good. I smsed alot of my friends telling them abt the good weather. :) In fact, what I feel is that, we shouldn't be feeling moody. FEELING RIGHT AND GOOD is a great way to start the day. Especially the first day of the week.

Studying Studying and Studying
I went to the library today to study and print my notes. Then, I actually saw alot of STUDIOUS people at the library. With very bad dress sense and from the first look, you will know that they are those BK-type instead of the people-type. GOSH! I feel that they should not be too primarily stuck on bks. It's good to be hardworking. However, self image is important too!

Apparently, what I feel is that many people are too absorbed in doing stuff which is not to own benefit. They are too committed or too involved in achieving material stuff (results, .... ) until they forget to spend time for themselves. This isn't a good thing because if that is the case, it most prob may have a detrimental effect on the social image of the individual to the society.

Self image is an important factor which works from within. External factors may result in a push factor to improve/worsen one's self-image. It much depends on how much a person is willing to spend and the willingness to change for the better.

So my friends, do try and invest time on your self-image. It can be taught to you, however, the onnest is much to yourself because self image comes from inside out. IT DEPENDS ON YOU. :)

That is my one cents worth.

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