Well, today, I practically spent my time in school! Can't believe it.... they should actually delete the workday of FRIDAY because it's CHU XI 3. Argh... However, despite this silent complain, things are still the same. So it's pointless. Even now, I type this info, it's over already.

At times, life is like that. Humans can work and tolerate. However, some choose to complain and still work their way through. This verbal feelings are somewhat temporary 'relieve' for oneself. As we know, after telling stuff of unhappiness or happiness, it's sharing to other parties. In this action, it tends to 'lighten' the psychological discomfort of the individual. When the event has passed, he has actually survived it. To put it simply, to complain or not to complain, he has worked his way through. So complaining sometimes can help in one's progress. It's a process of sharing. :)

Same like Vitamin C. Too much of it is not good. Complaining too much is really irritating and out of point. I have met some who actually complain alot and do very little! That's real bad example and don't make friends with them. (that's my approach). It's up to U! :)

Well, how come i'm explaining all these stuff? Ha! Anyway, I went to school and came back.

Then, went to see doctor and it's a flu virus that I have contracted. Don't know how come it reaches me... Diaoz. VITAMIN C! I NEED THEM!

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