Hey hey

I am so happy today.

Really so happy today.

HAPPY. I find that the moment I stepped into the office, I felt light and began to smile at my collegues. They felt that I'm very happy.

And guess what? I find that time passes kinda fast when you feel happy and wow, its lunch time before you know it. Cool eh??

Try it man...


Happy birthday to Angel.

Happy birthday to Dennis.

Ha... I find that in the month of August, there are alot of my friends who are having their birthday. And that brings me to one question.

Does that mean that most people do it during december?? Ha...

August - 9 months = December.

Maybe its a question to ponder about.

HINT: Ask your parents!!!


I am having so much fun with my godnieces and godnephew. Ha...

Nearly everyday I will receive smses from them and they will disturb me with their phonecalls.

I find it quite entertaining because they helped me to actually destress from my work. Ha... And many a times, I can't recognise them and they will actually fake their names to me.

Man, I really must get their voices right on the phone.. ha!!

Mervyn Spears

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