
Easter is a day to remember what Jesus had suffered for us. And I watched the play which was wonderfully done by my church ministry. They really have put in a lot of effort and I'm just so proud of them.

You can click here to watch the service!  Saturday 5pm and Sunday 10am.

They showed testimonies on what Jesus had done to help people, healing them, chasing devils away, providing for the needy and hungry people, etc. I feel that one should be doing these stuffs, be it you are a Christian or non-believer. It really brings out the character of giving back to the society. The act of selfless giving. I feel it is very important. One can no need to fork out cash for donating. He can provide the helping hands. This will actually make a person more wholesome.

The fact that my church made use of the large screen is a very smart move! The usage of background props are greatly minimized, making them much more Eco-friendly. I have attended a lot of events such as Dinner and dance and the amount of trash contributed from the back stage is really impractical. Most of the time, it is used once and thrown. Making use of large screen and changing the landscapes and sound effect is a great idea! Proud that they thought carefully of this.

God speaks
Honestly, I feel that God speaks to me in a lot of instances even before I knew Him. The choice made in schools, the courses and university as well as career. He brought my faith from one level to another. Of course He will lay challenges but somehow he will make sure I learn something out of it. It's tough but somehow it was over.

He gave me the creativity to cook for my children as well as the ability to manage my time wisely for my wife, family and work. Even though it's at times not so nice, my children still love it. It's certainly His teachings that make me sane as well as to make sure I can serve in my family. All I can say that my family is the centre of my life and I need God to help keep them in unity. Eve and I will attend weekly the weekend service at Church and we find it a joy to go there.

Wonder if you believe this. Many a times, I have no idea what to do. And Eve will somewhat share with me what she has read or thought about. This coincidentally matches and confirms with what I should do next. God will plant someone or something to tell you the right way to execute your plans. This is why I place everything to God. I'm not sure about anything, just pray.

At night, when Kate or Josh is unable to sleep, I will pray for them and they will quieten down and Kate will even wanted me to pray for her again. We will end off with 'Amen' and they will follow too. This is really commending. One day, they will pray for me. Isn't that wonderful?

Josh is learning how to write! Initially when the school started in January, the teacher told us that their age can write 1-10 already and Josh can't even hold the pencil correctly. We both prayed and miraculously, I dotted numbers on papers last week. And Josh took the pen, held correctly and started to write! He followed the dots. It's so amazing. The power of prayer. Maybe it's coincidence, but I chose to feel it's God!

Josh writing number 2, by connecting the dots on the workbook. He loves to connect the dots and he will be concentrating on it! I encourages him when he completes his writing!

Both Kate and Josh are sitting down on the chair. One is writing while the other is colouring. What a sweet sight!

Some of the simple dishes that I have prepared for my family this year! You can go to mervyncancook.blogspot.com to see more dishes!

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