Today, I got back 3 of my test results!! Xiong man... one after the other!!


GENES (14/30)
CHEM (18/24)

Ah!! I can't believe that my history is 55%! Ha... smoked my way through and for the factual part, I got 9/20~! But for the essay, I'm so happy that I got 30/50! Ha... So gaoxiao!! I really need to work on my History facts though!! :@) It's like when I receive the test paper from my tutor, she called my name and folded my paper into half. I thought I was the lowest (which is 38%). When I looked, I was so happy that I passed! Yeah!

For Genes, oh man... I nearly wanna vomit. I can't believe that I actually did so bad for it!! Alot of the mistakes are not careless leh! It's totally dunno!! I thought I know but it turned out to be wrong! Diaoz!! The more answers revealed,the more duiz I get!! -_-!!!!!

Lastly, for Chem, woa, quite ok la... Need to work on this part also. Coz I actually changed one of my answer at the end of the test, coz I saw Angel's one... ha!! ARGH... JIA YOU!


Today, I gave my 5-min presentation about " FRIENDS-Are they important?" It went quite well, i guess... Panicked in the starting but towards the end, is ok la... Ha... Quite fun to speak in front of so many people!! Yeah!!

Yellow Ribbon

I'm not sure whether have u seen this before? But it is a yellow ribbon. It is actually part of a campaign such that to give ur support for those convicts who are coming out to society to work. Which means, by wearing it, you are supporting them that they'd be given a new chance!! Yeah!! $1 only! So happy!

Lunch: $2.40

Drink: $0.70
Dinner: $2.70
Total: $5.80

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