Hi Everyone!

Well well, no more tests coming up and I'm feeling very good! Well, feel that life in NUS shouldnt be necessarily on books, lectures, tests blah. The list goes on.

Recently, I have chatted with one of my Prof who tested Felix and I on Material Science practical. I told him that I can't wait to graduate and he advised me on getting an Honours degree as well as Masters. My eyes were already rolling from up to down when he told me that. Gosh. I don't find that getting a degree will give u a safe and high income salary. Do you agree with me? I strongly believe that alot of my friends has the mentality that having a good degree will get you a job and a good future...

Honestly speaking, I feel (and will one day)tell him about the 'benefits' of a job. We don't own jobs and jobs are the ones owning us. I told myself that I will never ever work till an old age. Never! A Job really controls one's life and doesn't help us in attaining our dream. ReallY!! I ain't going to be in the rat race... Am working towards my goal... :)


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